Mentoring for Diversity Programme

Listed 29 days Ago
Mentoring Diversity
Professional Services

The Mentoring for Diversity programme is for experienced directors who have the goal of achieving a non-executive director role on a large private company or public sector board, a NZX listed board or a Trustee for a large not-for-profit organisation.

Mentoring for Diversity connects participants with an experienced director for a 12-month transformational mentoring programme, and a diverse group of peers to share experiences, build strong connections, and provide support and challenge.

We invite applications from all sectors of business and society and on the basis of diversity of culture, ethnicity, gender identity, LGBTQI+ identity, physical-or-neurodiversity. Applicants and mentor matching are welcome and available throughout Aoteaora New Zealand.

We invite applicants who:

  • have at least five years' experience in a senior or executive role, or as board adviser, working closely with and reporting to a board
  • have at least five years’ experience of boardroom practice as a board member or trustee of an entity with a clear governance structure and separation between management and the board
  • believe your diversity, competency and expertise can contribute to board performance
  • are looking, ready, and able to take on non-executive director role on a large private company, public sector or NZX listed board, or as a Trustee for a large not-for-profit organisation
  • come from anywhere in New Zealand

The following skills are required:

  • independence of mind, the confidence to ask questions, well-developed strategic and critical thinking,
  • able to work constructively in a team and evaluate your own performance with the aim of continuous improvement
  • an understanding the role of the board and the responsibilities of directors under the Companies Act 1993;
  • an understanding and practical application of the distinction between governance and management
  • the ability to understand the financial position of a company by interpreting financial statements and reports

Commitments of the programme:

To participate in the Mentoring for Diversity programme you should be able to accept the time and travel commitments of:

  • six to eight in-person mentoring sessions
  • preparation and follow up time for all mentoring sessions
  • up to four programme events in Auckland or Wellington 
    1. The launch session – 26 June 2025
    2. First mentee sharing session - October 2025 
    3. Second mentee sharing session -  March 2026
    4. The end of programme celebration - late June 2026

Application requirements:

To submit your application please have ready the following documents.

Your governance CV including:

  • your governance and executive experience
  • your record of education and training
  • a minimum of two referees, one being the chair of a board you serve on, who will be contacted if you are shortlisted;

Your cover letter describing (preferably in the order outlined below):

  • your motivation for applying for the programme and your governance ambitions
  • the benefit and value your diverse identity, perspective or experience can bring to a board
  • highlights of your governance experience including reporting to or advising boards, committees, or executive management

Eligibility and terms:

To apply for this programme participants will be able to meet the eligibility criteria and agree to the terms and conditions. For further information visit:

Application close date:

Applications open Monday 10 March and close Monday 31 March 2025 at 5pm.